Identity & Democracy Foundation
ID-Foundation is an European political foundation registered by the Authority for European Political Parties and European Political Foundations. ID-Foundation is composed by individual member representing the foundation in several Member States as France, Belgium (Flanders), Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Estonia and Czech Republic.
Our members are convinced that the sovereignty of states and peoples, relying on the cooperation between nations, and therefore reject any policy designed to create a supra-state or supra-national model. The opposition to any transfer of national sovereignty to supranational bodies and/or European institutions is one of the fundamental principles uniting members of the Foundation.

Our values
Respect of the principle of Democracy
The Foundation and its individual members base their political project in conformity with the democratic principles and the charter of fundamental rights and therefore reject any past or present affiliation, connection or sympathy to any authoritarian or totalitarian project.
ID-Foundation is convinced that the sovereignty of states and peoples, relying on the cooperation between nations, and therefore reject any policy designed to create a supra-state or supra-national model. The opposition to any transfer of national sovereignty to supranational bodies and/or European institutions is one of the fundamental principles uniting members of the ID-Foundation .
Individual MEPs of the ID-Foundation base their political alliance on the preservation of the identity of the peoples and nations of Europe, in accordance with the specific characteristics of each people. The right to control and regulate immigration is thus a fundamental principle shared by the members of the ID-Foundation.
Individual MEPs of the ID-Foundation recognize each other’s right to defend their specific unique economic, social, cultural and territorial models. The ID-Foundation seeks to preserve the diversity of the political projects of its members.
Individual MEPs base their political movement on defending individual freedoms and emphasizing the particular importance of protecting freedom of speech.
Our publications
The foundation frequently publishes thematic reports. They are at your disposal for free download.
Our conferences
The Id-foundation frequently organizes thematic conferences where many experts intervene. Discover or rediscover these conferences by viewing our videos. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the agenda of our various upcoming events.
Our last news
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